Monday, May 29, 2006

The End of the Subbing Slump

Lauren finally puts an end to her subbing slump! (And now, she is about to put an end to the rediulous practice of referring to herself in third person. She's starting to scare herself. )

Anyway, I finally did a little subbing last night. I saw Susan Culver's announcement that she will have a poem featured in an upcoming issue of Literary Mama, so I checked it out and decided they just might like a couple of my poems about premature babies or parenting an autistic child. One of the poems, Treasure, has been looking for a home for a long time. It was nominated by ITWS for IBPC back in December, didn't place, and was given a "thanks, but no thanks" from both Stirring and Tilt.

Also subbed were Tiny, Premature, and Tics.

It's okay if they say no (yeah, we'll see how I feel if that actually happens!)...for now, I'm just happy I finally got something out there. Now I need to find a place to send Weird Girls and First Jobs. I just need to find a good fit. I'm still so new to this.


At 4:54 AM, Blogger Arlene said...

yay, good for you, lauren! i'm hoping for a fit here and there ;)


At 6:35 AM, Blogger SarahJane said...

Hi lauren - good luck. if i think of a good place to send "1st jobs" I'll let you know.

At 11:13 AM, Blogger Carl Bryant said...

Hey! You figured out the link thingie!

See? There are plenty of chances to do great things at mid-life.


At 12:27 PM, Blogger lorguru said...

Thanks Arlene, Sarah and Carl!
Carl...yeah, thanks! Thanks for your help with that!!!!-lauren

At 12:57 PM, Blogger Carl Bryant said...

Oh - your 7th link needs a little work. Currently it is> Rachel Mallino</a></li> <li><a href=

It should be:

<li><a href="">Lisa Prince</a></li>


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